Saturday, August 29, 2015

x - 88 Louis Sheehan

Struggle for Vicksburg  (DVD Video)

A workmanlike presentation of some of the very basic facts of the  Siege. To my disappointment, no re-enactors were used.

I?ve yet to across a source that answers these questions that  follow, so I don?t want to imply my asking them suggests unique  faults with this movie.

To what extent could the Fort of Vicksburg inhibit Union supply  river traffic upstream and downstream (i.e., completely?  30%  70?)?

Realizing rivers were relatively efficient ways to transport  supplies (vis-à-vis wagons and mules albeit I am not as certain as  to the relative merits between the use of rivers and railroads),  how critical was it to have ?unrestricted? access to the ENTIRE  river?  (Recall, New Orleans was in Union hands.)

What would the effects have been ? and the responses to ? random/ sporadic/varying placements of Rebel cannon along the long  shoreline of the otherwise ?unrestricted? river?

By only holding a non-besieged Vicksburg, did that allow the Rebels  to effectively transfer supplies and troops across the Misssissippi  from West to East?

Beginning in  the summer of 1863, how much material and how many  troops were effectively contained in the Western Confederacy and  prohibited from moving East? Assuming any, how much of a difference  might they have made and how?  Louis J Sheehan


Ancient Source on the Goths - Herodotus
The ancient Greeks considered the Goths to be Scythians. The name Scythian is used in Herodotus (440 B.C.) to describe barbarians who lived on their horses north of the Black Sea and were probably not Goths. When the Goths came to live in the same area, they were considered to be Scythians because of their barbarian way of living. It is hard to know when the people we call Goths began to intrude on the Roman Empire. According to Michael Kulikowski, in Rome's Gothic Wars, the first "securely attested" Gothic raid took place in A.D. 238, when Goths sacked Histria. In 249 they attacked Marcianople. A year later, under their king Cniva, they sacked several Balkan cities. In 251, Cniva routed Emperor Decius at Abrittus. The raids continued and moved from the Black Sea to the Aegean where the historian Dexippus successfully defended a besieged Athens against them. He later wrote about the Gothic Wars in his Scythica. Although most of Dexippus is lost, the historian Zosimus had access to his historical writing. By the end of the 260s the Roman Empire was winning against the Goths.
Medieval Source on the Goths - Jordanes
The story of the Goths generally begins in Scandinavia, as is told by the historian Jordanes in his The Origin and Deeds of the Goths, chapter 4:

    " IV (25) Now from this island of Scandza, as from a hive of races or a womb of nations, the Goths are said to have come forth long ago under their king, Berig by name. As soon as they disembarked from their ships and set foot on the land, they straightway gave their name to the place. And even to-day it is said to be called Gothiscandza. (26) Soon they moved from here to the abodes of the Ulmerugi, who then dwelt on the shores of Ocean, where they pitched camp, joined battle with them and drove them from their homes. Then they subdued their neighbors, the Vandals, and thus added to their victories. But when the number of the people increased greatly and Filimer, son of Gadaric, reigned as king--about the fifth since Berig--he decided that the army of the Goths with their families should move from that region. (27) In search of suitable homes and pleasant places they came to the land of Scythia, called Oium in that tongue. Here they were delighted with the great richness of the country, and it is said that when half the army had been brought over, the bridge whereby they had crossed the river fell in utter ruin, nor could anyone thereafter pass to or fro. For the place is said to be surrounded by quaking bogs and an encircling abyss, so that by this double obstacle nature has made it inaccessible. And even to-day one may hear in that neighborhood the lowing of cattle and may find traces of men, if we are to believe the stories of travellers, although we must grant that they hear these things from afar."

Germans and Goths
Michael Kulikowsi says the idea that the Goths were associated with the Scandinavians and therefore Germans had great appeal in the 19th century and was supported by the discovery of a linguistic relationship between the languages of the Goths and Germans. The idea that a language relationship implies an ethnic relationship was popular but doesn't bear out in practice. Kulikowski says the only evidence of a Gothic people from before the third century comes from Jordanes, whose word is suspect.
Kulikowski on the Problems of Using Jordanes

Jordanes wrote in the second half of the sixth century. He based his history on the no longer extant writing of a Roman nobleman named Cassiodorus whose work he had been asked to abridge. Jordanes did not have the history in front of him when he wrote, so how much was his own invention can't be ascertained. Much of Jordanes' writing has been rejected as too fanciful, but the Scandinavian origin has been accepted.

Kulikowski points to some of the far-fetched passages in Jordanes' history to say that Jordanes is unreliable. Where his reports are corroborated elsewhere, they can be used, but where there is no supporting evidence, we need other reasons for accepting. In the case of the so-called origins of the Goths, any supporting evidence comes from people using Jordanes as a source.

Kulikowski also objects to using archaeological evidence as support because artifacts moved around and were traded. In addition, archaeologists have based their attribution of Gothic artifacts to Jordanes.

So, if Kulikowski is right, we don't know where the Goths came from or where they were before their third century excursions into the Roman Empire.

Glacier on Mars?

The European Space Agency has released news that they may have found an active glacier on Mars!

Picture of Mars from Mars Express probe showing a possible glacier

This picture shows the possible glacier taken by the Mars Express orbiter. It sure looks like one! It’s located in Deuteronilus Mensae, which is in the moderate northern Martian latitude. The feature has not been confirmed as a glacier, but it does show ridging like a glacier, and there appears to be water ice on the ridges as you’d expect to see on a glacier. Followup observations will be made to see if they can find features of water in the spectrum of the area.

Old glaciers have been found on Mars, but this one may be far younger, only thousands of years old. It’s also not clear that, if this is a glacier, where the water ice is coming from. Some say it wells up from underground, and others say it comes from snow.

This is very cool news. I hope it pans out; once again it shows us that Mars is not just a bright red dot in the sky. It’s a place, a location, a world we can — and do — visit.


Sir --

Thank you for your very prompt and informative reply.  Might I ask for one clarification (I can read whatever response you have in the magazine if you are so inclined)?

With Vicksburg standing, was the Rebel cross-river (shore to shore) transport of goods -- say salt -- and men almost entirely limited to a small corridor in the shadow of Vicksburg itself, and, assuming so, was such cross-river traffic therefore safe from Union interference?  If there was one small corridor, then it would seem that cross-river traffic would have been ended simply by occupying the bank of the river across from the city (although  such limited effort would not have resulted in the other benefits you mentioned earlier)?

I'll mention I recall you from the old Wargamer and S&T days.  I started wargaming in the mid-70.  Life has been such that only in the past year have I again been reading about the American Civil War.  Knowing some of your past, I'll ask another question/suggest another possible article:

In my own lay-person's terms, with a few notable(AHEM!) exceptions, Jeb Stuart & Co. had the reputation of providing General Lee very good and timely information and for providing good cavalry screens.  Could we read an article about how such scouting and screening was organized?  That is, graphs showing -- standard? --  patterns of dispersal, amount of cavalry used to satisfy the missions, how one side would react if it thought it might have been discovered/the other side might react if it stumbled across apparent screening/scouting activity?  I would ask more questions but I'm not a horse-person and should leave that up to others.  The basic point is: describe in some detail an active cavalry screening (say a movement up/through the Shenandoah "major" or through Maryland or from the Union point of view ) and an active large-scale scouting mission (perhaps that by Buford at the opening of Gettysburg or before Brandy Station or even that relating to a smaller engagement such as the Battle of Corinth (it seems information about the enemy was so much more lacking in the West than in the East despite the presence of cavalry)).

Again, many thanks,


On Wednesday, December 19, 2007, at 11:39PM, "Keith Poulter" <> wrote:
> I will try to find space for your letter in the Crossfire column, and print as close to definitive answers as we can. For now, and just for your personal attention, here are my personal responses off the top of my head:
>1. There wasn't exactly a "Fort Vicksburg," but the guns of the city could pretty much rule out any Union river movement upstream, as the current was fierce and vessels could only have made slow headway against it, leaving them sitting ducks for a considerable length of time. Daylight movement by anything except an armored vessel would have been suicidal. Downstream movement would also have been hazardous (witness the transports that ran the gauntlet on 22 April, 1863 -- I hope I got that date right, no time to look it up right now. Effectively therefore, movement up and down the Mississippi was blocked -- as a regular supply route -- as long as the Confederates held Vicksburg.
>2. It wasn't critical, in the sense that it was not vital for Union goods/supplies/men to move up or down the river. It was, however, politically critical, for the farmers of the Mid-West wanted to be able to ship their product down the river. Economically the importance of this had declined before the war, with the linkage of the Mid-West to the East by railroad (and canal). Nevertheless, the river route still loomed large in the consciousness of those in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc.
>3. The Confedrates did attempt to interdict the river by placing artillery along the shore, and moving it when threatened. However, the Union riverine vessels and the use of marines and others to land and ravage localities used for such operations -- and the limited effect of such artillery -- rendered this a nuisance, but not more.
>4. Yes. There was considerable cross-river traffic (west to east) prior to the siege -- especially important was salt, used to cure meat for the eastern armies. It wasn't the fall of Vicksburg that halted this flow of goods, so much as the presence of the Union navy on the river. Of course, once Vicksburg (and then Port Hudson) fell, the navy presence became that much more effective.
>5. I don't know numbers/quantities. However, the loss of salt alone made the supply of meat to the Army of North Virginia more problematic, and this added significantly to Lee's logistical difficulties.
>Confederate trans-Mississippi commander Kirby Smith failed to come to the aid of those on the eastern shore, but in any case I think his contribution could not have been very significant. Also, the Union had enough troops west of the Mississippi to confront the Confederates there, so probably any long-term movement of Confederate troops across the river would have unhinged their position west of the river.
>Confederate attacks on Union positions on the western shore of the Mississippi were singularly unsuccessful, viz. Helena, Milliken's Bend.
>Louis, as I said, that's just off the top of my head for you. I will consult Terry Winschel, park historian at Vicksburg, to see what he can add (for publication) and how far he agrees with what I have said.
>best wishes,

>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Louis Sheehan
>  To:
>  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:11 PM
>  Subject: Letter to the Editor
>  I wrote a quick customer review on as below.  Perhaps your magazine (yes, I subscribe) could answer these questions?  --Lou Sheehan
>  Struggle for Vicksburg  (DVD Video)

>  A workmanlike presentation of some of the very basic facts of the Siege.  To my disappointment, no re-enactors were used.
>  I?ve yet to across a source that answers these questions that follow, so I don?t want to imply my asking them suggests unique faults with this movie. 
>  To what extent could the Fort of Vicksburg inhibit Union supply river traffic upstream and downstream (i.e., completely?  30%  70?)?
>  Realizing rivers were relatively efficient ways to transport supplies (vis-à-vis wagons and mules albeit I am not as certain as to the relative merits between the use of rivers and railroads), how critical was it to have ?unrestricted? access to the ENTIRE river?  (Recall, New Orleans was in Union hands.) 
>  What would the effects have been ? and the responses to ? random/sporadic/varying placements of Rebel cannon along the long shoreline of the otherwise ?unrestricted? river? 
>  By only holding a non-besieged Vicksburg, did that allow the Rebels to effectively transfer supplies and troops across the Misssissippi from West to East?
>  Beginning in  the summer of 1863, how much material and how many troops were effectively contained in the Western Confederacy and prohibited from moving East? Assuming any, how much of a difference might they have made and how?  Louis J Sheehan
>From: "Louis Sheehan" <>
>To: <>
>Date: December 20, 2007 07:23:26 AM PST
>Subject: Fwd: Vicksburg 2
>>From: "Louis Sheehan" <>
>>To: <>
>>Cc: <>
>>Date: December 20, 2007 07:20:30 AM PST
>>Subject: Vicksburg 2
>>Sir --
>>Thank you for your very prompt and informative reply.  Might I ask for one clarification (I can read whatever response you have in the magazine if you are so inclined)?
>>With Vicksburg standing, was the Rebel cross-river (shore to shore) transport of goods -- say salt -- and men almost entirely limited to a small corridor in the shadow of Vicksburg itself, and, assuming so, was such cross-river traffic therefore safe from Union interference?  If there was one small corridor, then it would seem that cross-river traffic would have been ended simply by occupying the bank of the river across from the city (although  such limited effort would not have resulted in the other benefits you mentioned earlier)?
>>I'll mention I recall you from the old Wargamer and S&T days.  I started wargaming in the mid-70.  Life has been such that only in the past year have I again been reading about the American Civil War.  Knowing some of your past, I'll ask another question/suggest another possible article:
>>In my own lay-person's terms, with a few notable(AHEM!) exceptions, Jeb Stuart & Co. had the reputation of providing General Lee very good and timely information and for providing good cavalry screens.  Could we read an article about how such scouting and screening was organized?  That is, graphs showing -- standard? --  patterns of dispersal, amount of cavalry used to satisfy the missions, how one side would react if it thought it might have been discovered/the other side might react if it stumbled across apparent screening/scouting activity?  I would ask more questions but I'm not a horse-person and should leave that up to others.  The basic point is: describe in some detail an active cavalry screening (say a movement up/through the Shenandoah "major" or through Maryland or from the Union point of view ) and an active large-scale scouting mission (perhaps that by Buford at the opening of Gettysburg or before Brandy Station or even that relating to a smaller engagement such as the Battle of Corinth (it seems information about the enemy was so much more lacking in the West than in the East despite the presence of cavalry)).
>>Again, many thanks,
>>On Wednesday, December 19, 2007, at 11:39PM, "Keith Poulter" <> wrote:
>>>I will try to find space for your letter in the Crossfire column, and print as close to definitive answers as we can. For now, and just for your personal attention, here are my personal responses off the top of my head:
>>>1. There wasn't exactly a "Fort Vicksburg," but the guns of the city could pretty much rule out any Union river movement upstream, as the current was fierce and vessels could only have made slow headway against it, leaving them sitting ducks for a considerable length of time. Daylight movement by anything except an armored vessel would have been suicidal. Downstream movement would also have been hazardous (witness the transports that ran the gauntlet on 22 April, 1863 -- I hope I got that date right, no time to look it up right now. Effectively therefore, movement up and down the Mississippi was blocked -- as a regular supply route -- as long as the Confederates held Vicksburg.
>>>2. It wasn't critical, in the sense that it was not vital for Union goods/supplies/men to move up or down the river. It was, however, politically critical, for the farmers of the Mid-West wanted to be able to ship their product down the river. Economically the importance of this had declined before the war, with the linkage of the Mid-West to the East by railroad (and canal). Nevertheless, the river route still loomed large in the consciousness of those in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc.
>>>3. The Confedrates did attempt to interdict the river by placing artillery along the shore, and moving it when threatened. However, the Union riverine vessels and the use of marines and others to land and ravage localities used for such operations -- and the limited effect of such artillery -- rendered this a nuisance, but not more.
>>>4. Yes. There was considerable cross-river traffic (west to east) prior to the siege -- especially important was salt, used to cure meat for the eastern armies. It wasn't the fall of Vicksburg that halted this flow of goods, so much as the presence of the Union navy on the river. Of course, once Vicksburg (and then Port Hudson) fell, the navy presence became that much more effective.
>>>5. I don't know numbers/quantities. However, the loss of salt alone made the supply of meat to the Army of North Virginia more problematic, and this added significantly to Lee's logistical difficulties.
>>>Confederate trans-Mississippi commander Kirby Smith failed to come to the aid of those on the eastern shore, but in any case I think his contribution could not have been very significant. Also, the Union had enough troops west of the Mississippi to confront the Confederates there, so probably any long-term movement of Confederate troops across the river would have unhinged their position west of the river.
>>>Confederate attacks on Union positions on the western shore of the Mississippi were singularly unsuccessful, viz. Helena, Milliken's Bend.
>>>Louis, as I said, that's just off the top of my head for you. I will consult Terry Winschel, park historian at Vicksburg, to see what he can add (for publication) and how far he agrees with what I have said.
>>>best wishes,
>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>  From: Louis Sheehan
>>>  To:
>>>  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:11 PM
>>>  Subject: Letter to the Editor
>>>  I wrote a quick customer review on as below.  Perhaps your magazine (yes, I subscribe) could answer these questions?  --Lou Sheehan
>>>  Struggle for Vicksburg  (DVD Video)
>>>  A workmanlike presentation of some of the very basic facts of the Siege.  To my disappointment, no re-enactors were used.
>>>  I?ve yet to across a source that answers these questions that follow, so I don?t want to imply my asking them suggests unique faults with this movie. 
>>>  To what extent could the Fort of Vicksburg inhibit Union supply river traffic upstream and downstream (i.e., completely?  30%  70?)?
>>>  Realizing rivers were relatively efficient ways to transport supplies (vis-à-vis wagons and mules albeit I am not as certain as to the relative merits between the use of rivers and railroads), how critical was it to have ?unrestricted? access to the ENTIRE river?  (Recall, New Orleans was in Union hands.)  
>>>  What would the effects have been ? and the responses to ? random/sporadic/varying placements of Rebel cannon along the long shoreline of the otherwise ?unrestricted? river? 
>>>  By only holding a non-besieged Vicksburg, did that allow the Rebels to effectively transfer supplies and troops across the Misssissippi from West to East?
>>>  Beginning in  the summer of 1863, how much material and how many troops were effectively contained in the Western Confederacy and prohibited from moving East? Assuming any, how much of a difference might they have made and how?  Louis J Sheehan

>From: "Louis Sheehan" <>
>To: <>
>Date: December 19, 2007 08:10:24 PM PST
>Subject: Vicksburg
>Sir --
>Below is a quick summary I wrote on  Perhaps your magazine (yes, I'm a subscriber) could address these questuons?
> --Lou Sheehan
>Struggle for Vicksburg  (DVD Video)
>A workmanlike presentation of some of the very basic facts of the Siege.  To my disappointment, no re-enactors were used.
>I?ve yet to across a source that answers these questions that follow, so I don?t want to imply my asking them suggests unique faults with this movie. 
>To what extent could the Fort of Vicksburg inhibit Union supply river traffic upstream and downstream (i.e., completely?  30%  70?)?
>Realizing rivers were relatively efficient ways to transport supplies (vis-à-vis wagons and mules albeit I am not as certain as to the relative merits between the use of rivers and railroads), how critical was it to have ?unrestricted? access to the ENTIRE river?  (Recall, New Orleans was in Union hands.)  
>What would the effects have been ? and the responses to ? random/sporadic/varying placements of Rebel cannon along the long shoreline of the otherwise ?unrestricted? river? 
>By only holding a non-besieged Vicksburg, did that allow the Rebels to effectively transfer supplies and troops across the Misssissippi from West to East?
>Beginning in  the summer of 1863, how much material and how many troops were effectively contained in the Western Confederacy and prohibited from moving East? Assuming any, how much of a difference might they have made and how?  Louis J Sheehan



As the need for global communication increases, online translation services are in greater demand. Users are attracted to the breakneck speed at which online translation is done and the price. Those that aren't free are still fairly inexpensive.

New languages have been added to the traditional lists and Arabic, in particular, has been in demand recently. I spent the past few weeks tinkering with four free online services, translating various texts from English to Arabic and vice versa to test their speed and accuracy. I tested Google's Language Tools and services from Applied Language Solutions, WorldLingo Translations and Systran.

Customers who have been waiting for such services to be perfected will find improvements are slow in coming. Overall, I found the Arabic-English translations rife with syntactic and semantic errors -- from the merely too-literal to the laughably bad.

For the purposes of my test, I selected different texts: conversation, news stories, and legal and scientific documents. First, I picked an Associated Press story that started with the sentence: "A wintry storm caked the center of the nation with a thick layer of ice Monday..."

I got a variety of imprecise translations into Arabic (which I'm interpreting below).

Applied Language and WorldLingo offered identical translations, which were slightly better than the other two: "A storm covered the center's storm from the nation with a thick layer snow Monday."

Systran: "A stormy storm covered the center for the mother with a thick layer snow Monday."

Language Tools: "The storm grilled bloc in the middle of the nation with a thick layer of snow Monday."

The translations would have been nearly impossible to understand were I not fluent in both languages. It's worse in Arabic than it seems above. Arabic has masculine and feminine nouns, verbs and adjectives that have to agree in a sentence; otherwise, the sentence makes a native speaker wince.

Next, I processed some longer news stories. Only Language Tools didn't set text limits. WorldLingo and Applied Language each had a 150-word limit. Systran didn't specify a limit, but it rendered only a short part of the text.

Language Tools came out ahead this time. It was the only one to translate the word "Taliban" from Arabic to English contextually correct, as a movement. The other services translated it literally from the Arabic as "two students."

The services were better at translating everyday phrases, but even these sometimes came out missing a word, or were scrambled.

In this category, I again found translations by Google's Language Tools closest to the original texts. Still, there is much room for improvement. Google, for example, translated from Arabic to English the simple question, "Do you speak English?" as "Do they speak English?"

Other services got the pronoun right but botched other parts of the sentence. With the exception of Google, all three services, oddly, attempted to write the Arabic word for "English" in the Roman alphabet (aalaanklyzyh) in the middle of an Arabic sentence.

All the services did a terrible job with metaphors and other figurative uses of the language, whether Arabic or English.

The weakest performance by all the services was the translation of legal and scientific texts. Only Language Tools correctly translated the word "noncompliance" in a legal text, for example. Instead of using the proper word in Arabic, the other services transliterated it phonetically into a meaningless word.

All four services have an interface that is easy to use, with a pull-down menu listing several languages. Each has two text boxes, one for the original language and the other for the desired translation. They also translate entire Web sites, but the translation again tended to be awkwardly verbatim.

Google also has a feature that lets you translate search results free. (It also offers users an option to send in a better translation.) The others require you to become a paid subscriber. English and Arabic results appeared side-by-side.

Louis J Sheehan

And the compression-only technique applies only to adult patients. Children are far more likely to have stopped breathing than to have suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. This means they far more often need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation than adults do.

I also liked WorldLingo and Applied Language's email-translation feature. After clicking the email button, a window with two text boxes pops up. You enter your name and email address, and the recipient's name and address. When you send the message with WorldLingo, both recipient and sender see the message in both languages. Neither Google nor Systran has this feature.

Systran has a convenient swap button that lets users easily flip the source and target languages. This saves time when going back-and-forth between two languages. The other services have you use pull-down menus. Systran's interface also allows prompt translation of a text as soon as it's pasted in a text box, without the need to click a "translate" button.

Free online translation tools help travelers or those curious about languages, but I found them unreliable for important documents. Use with caution.


Fran --

They don’t seem to list direct dials on the Berger and Montague website, but I found their general phone number.

Berger & Montague, P.C. | 1622 Locust Street | Philadelphia, PA 19103 | 800-424-6690 | Fax: 215-875-4604

Abbott A. Leban
Berger & Montague PC
Philadelphia, Pa.

Abbott A. Leban joined Berger & Montague P.C., in December 2004 as senior counsel. Leban had been with Grant & Eisenhofer in Wilmington, Del., since 1997. Prior to joining Grant & Eisenhofer, Leban was senior counsel at Blank, Rome, Comisky & McCauley in Philadelphia, where he was a member of the firm's Corporate Department and served a diverse clientele in corporate, fiduciary, employee benefits, tax, and litigation matters.

Leban is a graduate of Columbia College (1955) and Yale Law School (1958). He is a member of the Delaware and New York State Bar Associations, and the American Bar Association. He was an original member of the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys (NAPPA) and served for a time as chair of its Federal Legislation Committee.

Leban began his legal career in Washington, where he clerked in the D.C. Circuit, served as an appellate attorney with the former Civil Aeronautics Board, then as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for D.C. From 1962 to 1965, he was counsel to Senator Kenneth B. Keating of New York.

Starting in 1965, Leban held successive in-house legal and executive positions in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector. At Equitable Life Assurance Society, he served in the investment and government relations divisions of its Law Department and later as Counsel for Federal Relations. He subsequently joined the Colonial Penn Insurance Group, beginning as President/COO of Intramerica Life Insurance Company, its New York-based life/health insurance subsidiary. He moved to the parent company in Philadelphia in 1972 as senior vice president in charge of the legal, public relations, personnel, and home office administration departments, as well as serving as corporate secretary. From the effective date of ERISA, he was also chairman of the boards of trustees for Colonial Penn's retirement and profit-sharing plans. Leban left Colonial Penn in the 1980s to become part of the founding management of American Homestead Mortgage Corp., a mortgage banking firm that was the commercial pioneer in marketing and underwriting reverse mortgages for senior citizens.

From 1987 to 1991, Leban served as chief counsel of the three Pennsylvania Retirement Systems for public employees, with then combined assets of over $20 billion. He was responsible for significant initiatives on the part of the state and public school pension funds in corporate governance and shareholder rights matters and received national recognition for his representation of the school fund as an ex officio member of the official Equity Committee in the Chapter 11 proceedings of Texaco, Inc.

Leban has many articles to his credit, including "Not A Dime's Worth of Difference: When 'Withhold Authority' Means 'No,'" M&A Lawyer (Apr. 2001). Among his other recent publications, he co-authored, with Jay Eisenhofer, the series of articles in the Corporate Governance Advisor on "One Easy Step to Reform: Institutional Investors Must Wake Up" (July/Aug. 1995);"Securities Litigation and the Institutional Investor: An Assessment" (Mar./Apr. 1998); and "The Lead Plaintiff Provision: Does It Work?" (May/June 1999); and, most recently, on "Ceding Ground to Insiders: The Renunciation of Corporate Opportunities Under Delaware Law (Mar.-Apr. 2001).

Leban is a member of BNA's Pension & Benefits Advisory Board.

WASHINGTON -- Two weeks before the Iowa caucus, the race for president, while tightening among Democrats, is wide open on the Republican side, highlighting the unusual fluidity of the first campaign for the White House in over a half- century that doesn't include an incumbent president or vice president.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows that Rudy Giuliani has lost his national lead in the Republican field after a flurry of negative publicity about his personal and business activities, setting the stage for what could be the party's most competitive nomination fight in decades.

After holding a double-digit advantage over his nearest rivals just six weeks ago, the former New York City mayor now is tied nationally with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at 20% among Republicans, just slightly ahead of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 17% and Arizona Sen. John McCain at 14%. Other polls show Mr. Giuliani's lead shrinking in Florida, one of the states he has based his strategy around.

With the poll's margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.1 percentage points, that puts Mr. Huckabee, who had only single-digit support in the previous poll in early November, within striking distance of the leaders. Mr. Romney's national support has also nearly doubled since then.

At the same time, Mr. Romney has fallen behind Mr. Huckabee in the leadoff nominating contest in Iowa. The results signal a dramatic shift in the nature of the Republican contest: In a party with a history of rewarding established front-runners, there's no longer a front-runner of any kind.

"There is no hierarchy," said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducts the Journal/NBC survey with Republican counterpart Bill McInturff. "There is no establishment candidate. The Republican voters are searching."


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